THE NATUCASH is a global asset used to market products and services quickly, safe and transparent. With fair trade and nature protection as principles.

Technical Data


  • 10% – Niobio Cash Classic / QUAN Project – Holders (SWAP 1 NATUCASH : 100 NBR/QUAN)
  • 80% – Exchanges Distribution
  • 5% – Listing in Exchanges
  • 2% – Donation to non-profit social projects
  • 1% – Core Team and Developer
  • 1% – Marketing

Environmental Commitment

To each 10.000 NATU outstanding in portfolios outside of Exchanges and managed by NATUCASH our team will plant 1 (an) Tree in a different place on Earth and create a Unique NFT with tree location data, its features is a digital art and we will give away among all our HOLD user portfolios.

they will only be able to exist 336 Exclusive NFTs and 336 network-integrated tree points NATUCASH no world, these points will be our landmark for humanity and our landmark on the importance of nature in the world.